
Entry (1/3)1  fetsy
Part of speech  2  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  3  lainga [Taimoro] [1.78]4  fantatra, hay [Tanosy] [1.78]5  Mahay, kinga eo amin' ny hevitra: Efa fetsy itỳ zanako itỳ fa mahalala misaotra raha omena zavatra [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  cunning, skillful, shrewd, sharp. [1.2]7  sly, cunning, sharp [1.7]
Explanations in French  8  rusé, fourbe [1.8]
Examples  9  Nosokafan'ilay fetsy ny sobika. [2.442#]
10  Olona fetsy sady masiaka no nampoizin'ny Betsileo ho hita. [2.298#]
11  Active verbs :
12  Passive verbs :
13  Relative verbs :
14  Names :
15  Adjectives :
Synonyms  16  kapetsy, kapotsaka, kalita, mantsana, fiharatra, fatsaka, fangoloka, holokoloka, hoboka aty, fangotsoka, fangotsohana, fanganga, hotsohotso, galofantsy, famantsy, gagilahy, gagivavy, fanalolahy, fanalovavy, konjo, karàna, fatsoralahy, fatsoravavy, be gararo, be saroro, be safary, be karijo
Compound words 

Entry (2/3)20  fetsy
Part of speech  21  noun
Vocabulary  22  Botany: (in general)
Explanations in English  23  little things transplanted, or planted here and there. (Prov.) [1.2]
Explanations in French  24  riz, ou autres, transplantés. (kètsa). [Tankarana] [1.19]
25  Passive verbs :

Entry (3/3)26  fetsy
Part of speech  27  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  28  hafatra [Bara] [1.78]

Updated on 2023/09/05