
Entry (1/2)1  dihy
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  fampisehoam-pihetsehana ataon' ny tena manontolo: loha, tanana, tongotra, ary indraindray koa aza ny vatana, mba hanehoana fifaliana 4  Toetran' ny fanidin' ny vorona eny amin' ny habakabaka raha tsy mihetsika na mikopaka ny elany [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  a dance, dancing in the native style. See danise, tsinjaka [1.2]6  a dance, dancing [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  danse [1.3#102, 1.8]8  sautillement, tournoiement de la toupie, du fuseau 9  le trémoussement des ailes d’un oiseau planant au même point [1.3#102]
Examples  10  Velona indray ny hira amana dihy natao teo tamin' ny ndeha hangataka iny. [2.245]
11  Inona kosa, hoy Noro nony efa nitonitony izy, no tsy nitiavanao ny dihy? [2.5]
12  Tsimpony ny teny rehetra mampiseho ny maha-malagasy ny dihy sy ny mpandihy. [2.313]
13  Active verbs :
14  Passive verbs :
15  Relative verbs :
16  Names :
Synonyms  17  danise, tsinjaka
Analogs  18  tsinjaka, sahoby, totorebika, tsipisandry, velatanana, dihy soroka, dada, jaiko, soamaroroka, tsaramiera, soratra, afindrafindrao, salegy
Compound words 
Proverbs  24  Proverbs containing the word dihy

Entry (2/2)25  Dihy
Part of speech  26  name (poem title)
Vocabulary  27  Literature: poems
Elementary words  28  dihy
Author  29  Rabearivelo Jean-Joseph
Tables and plates  30  Full list

Anagrams  31  Dihy, dihy, hidy, Dihy, dihy, hidy

Updated on 2023/10/22