
Entry (1/6)1  -doka
Part of speech  2  morphological form of loka

Entry (2/6)3  doka
Part of speech  4  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  5  Fanindrahindrana olona amin' ny fiderana azy; robo, fiderana olona, izay kendrena hamalifaliana azy, indraindray omban' ny fanantenana hahazo soa avy aminy: Tia doka loatra io mpitondra io ka manjary fatra-pisolelaka ny olona entiny. [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  Praise, flattery [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  Flatterie [1.8, 1.5]
8  Adulation [1.8]
9  Vanterie [1.5]
Examples  10  Tanantanam-bazaha feno doka, Nodokain' ilay mpanambaka. [2.69#]
11  Nisy marina koa mantsy ny tenin' izy ireo fa tsy doka fotsiny akory. [2.643]
12  Simple :
13  Active verbs :
14  Passive verbs :
15  Relative verbs :
16  Nouns :
Compound words 
Proverbs  18  Proverbs containing the word doka

Entry (3/6)19  doka
Part of speech  20  noun
Vocabulary  21  Music: instruments
Explanations in Malagasy  22  Karazan-javamaneno miendrika tehina vita amin' ny volotsangana, saingy olona iray ihany no mitondra azy, dia ny lehilahy mpitarika ny dihy amin' ny lanonan-dehibe toy ny famadihana; atontona anin' ny tany izy mba hidoboka ary asiana korintsana eo an-tendrony [1.1]

Entry (4/6)56  doka
Part of speech  57  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  58  Irery, tsy manao inona [1.78]
Other spellings  59  doko

Entry (5/6)60  doka
Part of speech  61  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  62  Fandoahana na fandavahana vato iray mba hahazoana manapoaka azy. [1.1]
63  Passive verbs :
64  Relative verbs :
65  Nouns :
66  Adjectives :

Entry (6/6)67  doka
Part of speech  68  noun
Explanations in French  69  Sorte de bambou. [1.19]

Anagrams  70  doka, kadò, koda

Updated on 2023/03/19